Paula, (Madrid), 3º ESO internado en Estados Unidos, Texas

Borja Pérez-Mínguez | Testimonials North America, Testimonios Estados Unidos internados

Soy Paula Martínez estudiante de 9 grado en USA (3° ESO). Llegué a mi nuevo colegio en Agosto de 2020. No voy a mentir, iba muerta de nervios cuando salía de Madrid, la despedida de mi familia me resultó difícil y la llegada al aeropuerto llena de incertidumbre. Pero todos esos nervios, tristeza, pánico se terminaron de golpe nada más pisar la calle tras llegar al aeropuerto y que me recibiera mi House Parent. Esa misma tarde me recogía a mi y otros estudiantes y enseguida hice amigos. A la llegada al internado nos enseñaron las casas y nos indicaron donde estaban nuestras habitaciones. Me encantó!!

Estar en un internado es una experiencia increíble, conoces a personas de todas las partes del mundo, que igual que tú tienen mil ganas de hacer amigos y te reciben como una pequeña familia. Las casas y habitaciones son muy bonitas y nos sentimos como en casa.

El colegio ofrece diferentes deportes dependiendo la temporada, al llegar tuve la oportunidad de hacer cross country y esta temporada he tenido la gran suerte de que me admitieran en el equipo de fútbol y estoy disfrutándolo muchísimo. Las clases y horarios son muy diferentes a lo que estaba acostumbrada, tienen una gran oferta de asignaturas optativas, lo que te permite siempre contar con diferentes actividades que te gustan. Las asignaturas obligatorias se dan en clases con pocos alumnos y la metodología de estudio americana para mi gusto hace que desarrolles habilidades que en mis colegios anteriores no ponía en práctica.

El colegio es muy bonito, tienes una biblioteca muy amplia donde estudias de manera muy cómoda. La cafetería es perfecta, nos reunimos muy a menudo a tomar un café y charlar. Todas las instalaciones están muy bien cuidadas y tienes a tu alcance todo lo que necesitas.

Destaco de vivir en el internado y de mi experiencia todas las actividades que organiza el colegio los fines de semana, los momentos que pasamos los estudiantes juntos en los espacios comunes, lo divertido que son los viajes en autobús con el equipo de fútbol y lo que disfrutamos rodeadas siempre de amigos y amigas.

Sin dudarlo repetiría la experiencia una y mil veces. Por suerte esté no será mi único año y podré seguir disfrutando de esta experiencia el próximo año en Texas y dos más hasta graduarme.

Os espero el próximo año!!!

Paula, 9th grade.

En el siguiente enlace encontrará todos los detalles del programa de internados en Estados:

Arancha, (Sevilla), 1º bachillerato: Internado en Estados Unidos, Texas

Borja Pérez-Mínguez | Testimonials North America, Testimonios Estados Unidos internados

Mi experiencia y primer viaje a Estados Unidos empezó en Agosto de 2021, estoy escribiendo esto en Enero de 2022 y todo lo que he aprendido no se puede ni expresar con palabras.
Mientras que mi vida en España me espera a la vuelta, esta experiencia me esta cambiando totalmente, y a mejor.

Al final, he vivido toda la vida con mis padres en casa y cuando llegas aquí empiezas a darte cuenta de que hay más responsabilidades aparte de los estudios y los entrenos. Al estar en un internado, aprendes a crecer, a madurar, a adaptarte a reglas y normas, a conocer distintas culturas, a organizarte el dinero, el tiempo, o incluso las lavadoras que debes de poner, aprendes a ser independiente y estoy fascinada con todo lo que se puede aprender en unos meses.

Todo esto, es un poco más fácil gracias a todas las personas que solo una experiencia así te trae. Para mí ha sido increíble conectar con personas de otro continente, país.. culturas totalmente diferentes a la mía, creo que te ayuda mucho a ver la vida desde distintas perspectivas y sobre todo a entender otro tipo de actitudes y costumbres.

La cantidad de deportes que puedes hacer aquí, la entrega de los estudiantes en todos en los
entrenos, los viernes de partidos, el compañerismo hacia el colegio, las ganas de ganar… es alucinante! Desde el primer día hasta hoy, sigo pensando que esto es una película. Uno de mis planes favoritos era ir a comer mucha mucha comida americana los viernes cuando hacían mercadillo en el cole, arreglarnos e irnos a animar al partido de fútbol americano, sinceramente te sientes en High School

También, en el colegio, las clases son bastante mas fáciles que en España, pero aun así, tienes que estudiar. Una de las cosas que mas me gusta de aquí, es la relación que ganas aquí con Dios, porque al ser un colegio religioso, tenemos “Chapel” los miércoles, donde nos hablan sobre la vida desde un punto de vista Cristiano. Además de eso, tenemos reuniones con algunas chicas del curso y
profesoras para ver como nos va todo y expresar un poco si queremos como nos sentimos.

En los recreos solemos estar en la boarding office todos hablando o en la cabin comiendo algún dulce con café, tipo Starbucks. Lo mejor de aquí es que al ser tantas niñas en una casa, entre horas de estudio, siempre acabas en alguna habitación durante horas con alguna hablando, trabajando o haciendo cualquier cosa.

Entre eso, los planes que te salen y los viajes que el cole te da, no da tiempo a aburrirse!

Para mi, esta siendo una experiencia inolvidable que no quiero que acabe nunca!

Arancha, 11th grade.

En el siguiente enlace encontrará todos los detalles del programa de internados en Estados:

Teresa, 11th and 12th grade boarding schools in the United States, New England

Borja Pérez-Mínguez | Testimonials North America, Testimonios Estados Unidos internados

Studying abroad in the United States was always a dream of mine, and even I was a little scared when I left Spain since I was traveling to a new place, ready to meet new people but very far away from home.

Now that I think about it after studying my last 2 high school years there I’m not sure what I was afraid of. As soon as I arrived, the school was waiting for me at the airport with some other students. Since day one, everybody was really nice to me and helped me every time I needed anything.

When I arrived I was concerned with the usual preoccupations like making new friends, adapting to the new academic system, not understanding every class in English … but after a couple of days, all my worries were gone and I made a lot of friends right away.

This experience is very different from any other I have lived since the American culture and what the students are used in the United States is totally different from I was used to in Spain all other countries I had visited before.

The academic system is totally different so it takes a while to get used to it, but as it encourages effort, participation, getting involved in classes and debating different subjects, and not only based in one big exam, soon you start seeing your grades improving.

My school has a lot of great opportunities, both in academics and sports.

You even get to practice 3 different sports during the year, one each season, and my favourite was skiing in winter. This sport was not competitive, but you had the opportunity to practice it during the weekends with friends from the school and it has been a lot of fun.

During the weekends there are plenty of activities and trips like going to the mall, visiting cities like Boston or Portland… Boston is a really nice city and the school arranges a trip every month so you get to visit it many times during the year.

Every weekend activity is very fun and you get to choose the ones you like so you can also stay at the dorms if you want to or if you have a lot of homework those days.

Studying one or two academic years in a boarding school in the United States is an experience you can’t miss since it teaches you a lot about real life and the small world you are used to have at your home country.

I started as an 11th grader, but I liked it so much I stayed one more year and graduated here!

Teresa, 11th and 12th grade boarding schools in the United States, New England

Teresa, 11th grade boarding schools in the United States, Florida

Borja Pérez-Mínguez | Testimonials North America, Testimonios Estados Unidos internados

There are many international students at my school so I have friends from all over the world. Everybody is very friendly and even though the first days everybody is kind of shy, after a little while you start making lots of friends. It’s very important to have a good relation since you live with them at the dorms.

We oftenly go to the movies since the school arranges all kind of activities during the weekends and drive you anywhere you want to go if you gather a small group of friends to join. It can be to the movies, the mall, restaurants or trips to the beach, about 15 minutes from the school.

My favourite is of course Deerfield beach since there is always young people and lots of things to do like surfing, playing volleyball , going to restaurants and shopping at the stores.

Regarding sports, this season I have joined the cheerleader squad and I love it. Joining sports and clubs is one of the best ways to make friends and get involved with the school. We always cheer at every game and the crowd loves it.

One the American traditions I liked the most is the Honor Pining Day, since that day every new student receives a school pin and there is even a ceremony at the chapel. For those days everybody is dressed up.

Also, every single year, each sport team celebrates a ceremony in honor of the Senior students (12th grade students graduating that year) at the Senior Night party.

Another weekend activity I love to do is visiting the Wynwood Walls, an urban art gallery located in downton Miami. The school arranged a field trip there where we spent the day enjoying the city, which I love.

About the classes, we always have 10 minute periods between them which are great to catch up with friends and see how they are doing academically.

Other American tradtion I also loved was the Homecoming week. Every day there is a new theme and you have to dress in a certain way. We where the Jungle Juniors and being part of the Pep Rally is also a lot of fun since you meet a lot of new people.

We have just finished playing the last two games of the season and now it’s time to start a new one and choose a different sport!

Teresa, 11th grade internados en Estados Unidos, Florida. 

At the following link you will find all the details of the program of boarding schools in the United States:


Mateo, 10th grade boarding schools in the United States, New England

Borja Pérez-Mínguez | Testimonials North America, Testimonios Estados Unidos internados

I arrived at the school on August 17th, very tired and missing Spain already. I went straight to my room to sleep for the jet lag and I couldn’t really see the campus.

The next day I was able to see the entire school and I was impressed by the facilities and how big it is. The people here is very nice and as soon as you start to get to know everybody you become like a family. Each day you forget about your life in your own country and enjoy more your life in the United States. Sometimes you miss the food in Spain, but you get used to the American food.  My school is very friendly specially with people from Spain or South America.

When the classes start you have to choose your subjects. I always recommend piano or guitar since you learn to play new instruments and it’s a very easy A.

Once the academic year begins, you start to make more American friends who live in the area with their families, and they invite you to their houses, drive you around, invite you to their parties (without alcohol of course), take you to the movies, etc.

The teachers are also very nice with international students and they are always intrigued by our different cultures since each country is unique in it’s own way.

I have really improved my English compared to the level I had in Spain and once you have a solid base, the rest will be easy.

One of the other thinks I like the most about my school is that is located in a town with everything you need so you get to go to restaurants, supermarkets, shops and anything you need.

The weekend activities are also great with trips to Boston and Portland, amusement parks, going to the movies, good restaurantes, rafiting, etc. Many different options to join.

About the dorms and roomates, for me the most important thing was making friends at my dorm since you go to their room, they visit yours, you play together board games, Playsitation, ping pong… You meet people from other countries and they eventually become your family.

My favourite dorm is the most modern, but the others are also great.

The roomates are also very important to improve your English and help you with your homework and if you share similar interests you become friends very fast.

Studying away for one year or longer is an incredible experience that makes you more mature, responsible, neat and helps you keep your room tidy.

The more important thing you will learn is to appreciate your home since you never appreciate something until you lose it (for one year!).

Mateo, 10th grade boarding schools in the United States, New England. 

At the following link you will find all the details of the program of boarding schools in the United States: